Nechsar National Park

Nechsar is an IUCN category II National Park that was established in 1974 with the aim of conserving the endemic Swayne’s Hartebeest and preserving its scenic beauty. It is situated 510 km south of Addis Ababa near the town of Arba Minch. It is bounded by the Amaro Mountains in the east, north by Lake Abaya, and south by Lake Chamo. Two major rivers, Sermale and Kulfo traverse the park. The major features of this protected Area are Abaya and Chamo lakes. Mean annual temperature is around 21 dC and a maximum going as high as 30 dC. Nechsar’s landscape includes extensive grasslands, savannah, mountains and hills. Nechsar has a variety of habitats ranging from savannah, dry bush and ground water forests. It is home to at least 200 species of birds. To date, 37 species of mammals have been recorded including the Swayne’s Hartbeest, Burchell’s Zebra, Grant’s Gazelle, Guenther’s Dik Dik Greater Kudu, and Hunting Dog. Hippopotamus, Grey Duicker, Common Bushbuck and Crocodile. The lakes support stocks of Nile perch and cat Fish.

Unique features
Nechsar is named after the creamy white grass that covers the park in the central plains area. Hot springs found in the eastern part of the park and the "crocodile market" located on the northwestern shores of lakes Chamo are an added attraction. The Nechsar Nightjar Caprimulgus Solala, is a species identified from the Nechsar plains. This bird species was described solely using a single wing from a road kill in the park in 1995. Other birds of global importance include the Lesser Kestrel, Lesser Flamingo (in small numbers) and the Pallid Harrier. Nechsar also affords protection to 25 Somali –Masi Biome birds thus providing home to 26% of Ethiopia’s Somali-fronted Black Chat was recorded from. The ground water forest supported by a high water table in the park is one of its kinds in Eastern Africa.

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