The Park is fortunate in possessing numerous rivers and streams, which are by far reasons for the rich wildlife resources of the area. Mago River rises from the northeast highlands of the area and cross the park (north to south) and feeds the Omo River (there are also different perennial rivers like Neri River and other streams, which are tributaries for Mago River in the park. Omo, Mago, and Neri rivers are typical features for the Mago National Park.

The Park is 800km and 500 km from to the south of Addis Ababa and Hawassa, respectively. The road from Jinka town to the park covers a distance of 34km all weather gravel road. The park has about 200km internal roads, which lead to the different attractions sites of the park.
Scenic Value
many national & foreign tourists in the Mago National Park commonly visit the following attractions. These includes the Hot Springs, Forest and savanna habitats, the topography (Murssi mountains and the different view points (Vantages over looking the park whole view) along the high way of Jinka-Murssi.
Surrounding Community

Key Species
Buffalo,Elephant,lesser kudu
Mago National Park
Mobile : +251-916-856-427 (Park Warden)
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