Ethiopia - Mountain walking, hiking, trekking

Ethiopia - Mountain walking, hiking, trekkingThe Simien Mountains of Ethiopia is a UNESCO World Heritage National Park. Trekking the Simien Mountains is also called trekking the “Roof of Africa”. Our Ethiopia trekking includes climbing Ras Dashen Mountain.
Price: USD $2,404 per person
Type: Adventure Holiday
Duration: 17 days
Customise: This Adventure Holiday can be customised
Country: Ethiopia
Supplement: Plus USD $214 for a single person booking
Persons: minimum (3)  
Accommodation: Mixed
Game Parks:
Simien Mountains NP (Ethiopia)
Activities: Cultural Tours, Game Viewing, Hiking, Historical Tours, Lake Cruise, Mountain Climbing, Wildlife Viewing
Ethiopia - Mountain walking, hiking, trekking
Ethiopia - Mountain walking, hiking, trekking
Ethiopia - Mountain walking, hiking, trekking
Simien Mountains of Ethiopia is UNESCO World Heritage National Park. There are over 20 peaks towering 4000m; it is called the “Roof of Africa”. Our trek includes climbing Ras Dashen (4543m), the highest peak in Ethiopia and visit to Historic Route of Ethiopia


Departure Date: Daily Guaranteed Departure with 3 participants minimum

We combine this exceptional trek with a journey across a land dotted with rock-hewn churches, medieval castles and ancient obelisks reflecting a culture dating back over 3000 years.
After visiting The Monasteries over Lake Tana, the Blue Nile Falls and the medieval castles at Gondar, we head into the Simien Mountains for a spectacular trek. The Simien Mountains have been called Africa’s “Green Grand Canyon”. The Simien Mountains of Ethiopia offer superb wilderness trekking with stunning scenery, dramatic cliffs and escarpments and the chance to spot endemic wildlife such as a troop of Gelada Baboon, Walia Ibex and Simien fox and Ethiopia’s many endemic birds and plant life unique to the mountains and the immense beauty of the mountains. Finally we visit the holy city of Axum and the famous rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, often referred to as the \"Eighth wonder of the World\".

Day 1: Arrive in Addis Ababa, city tour of Addis Ababa
On arrival in Addis Ababa our representatives will meet you at Bole International Airport and transfers to Ambassador Hotel. An overview of the program and itineraries will be given. The rest of the day visit historical sites in Addis Ababa including the National Archaeological Museum, where we will view the 3.6 million year old remains of “Lucy”, whose skeletal remains when discovered in 1974. You will also visit the Ethnological Museum at Addis Ababa University, Holy Trinity Cathedrals and Mount Entoto which rises up to an altitude of 3200 meters and offers the panoramic view of the metropolis. Overnight Ambassador Hotel

Day 2: Drive from Addis Ababa Bahir Dar:
Drive to Bahir Dar through the beautiful scenery at after 103 kms drive, visit the 13th C monastery of Debre Libanos and the 17th C Portuguese Bridge. Debre Libanos is an important monastic center for Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, and there is a small cave near the church (of recent construction) where the renowned 13th century mystic Teklehaimanot is said to have stood for seven years on one leg, until the other wasted away and dropped off. During the Fascist aggression (1935-41) more than 300 monks were slaughtered at Debre Libanos- the Italians had identified the Orthodox Church as a key component of the Ethiopians’ independent identity.And after some distance from the monastery you will enjoy the fabulous Blue Nile Gorge, similar to the Grand Canon of USA. Proceed driving through the amhara rigion and late in the afternoon you will arrive at Bahir dar . Overnight /Tana Hotel.

Day 3: In Bahir Dar:
After breakfast, we take a boat trip on Lake Tana to visit ancient monasteries. We will visit two of the most accessible and representative of the monasteries, still serving their original function, Ura Kidane Mehret, and Azwa Maryam. In the afternoon we pay a visit to the impressive Blue Nile Falls, locally known as Tis Isat or \'Smoke of Fire’. Overnight Tana Hotel

Day 4: Drive Gondar Tour of Gondar:
We experience typically in an Ethiopian African landscape as we drive from Bahir Dar to Gondar- 180 kms over wide grazing land, hilly mountains with numerous farmlands. The rest of the day visit attractions in Gondar. The attractions that we visit in Gondar includes: Castles of Gondar- are included in the World Heritage List, the royal Fasiledes Bath and the Church of Debre Berhan Selassie with its unique murals. Overnight Goha Hotel

Day 5: Gondar to Geech Camp Site:
Morning 3 hours drive through countryside to Debark town (100 Kms from Gondar), where the head quarter of Semien Mountains National Park is found. Here we pay the entrance fees and a scout and a local guide will accompany us. Then we continue driving to Sankaber (31 Kms) the first campsite of the National Park. It is this day that we start to walk in the national park. We begin the trek along all the trekking staff: including mules and Muleteers for packing and transport of camping gears and all foodstuffs. We walk from Sankaber to Geech, which will take between 5 - 6 hours. After about 1 and half hours walk we see the Jinnbar River and falls, we will cross the river later in the day. After crossing the river, we ascend for about two hour to Geech, which is full of Giant Lobelias. The scenery is wonderful, and heard of the endemic Gelada Baboon can be seen on our way. Overnight Camping at Geech Campsite (3600m).

Day 6: Geech – Imetegogo – Geech
This day we will be waking to the best viewpoints in the National park. First we walk to Imetegogo, the view here enables one to look 3600 to all directions this one of the best view in the national park. After a short stay here continue walk to Seha, the other terrific viewpoint in the National park. We will have our picnic lunch and we continue to the last viewpoint, Quedadit. After some stay we walk back to Geech camp site. The walk this day is not hard; it takes about 4 - 5 hours. It is the day that we will be walking in the best part of the national park. If we are lucky we might have the chance to see mammals like the Simien wolf, Walia Ibex and Klipspringers. Overnight Camping at Geech Campsite - (3600m).

Day 7: Cheneck:
We trek to Chenek, we will be walking through the Giant lobelia trees and under these trees African field Rats are common. After picnic lunch we walk on the edge of Enatye escarpments (4000m. above sea level), which is another breathtaking view in the national park; finally we descend to Chenek. Chenek is the best place to see the endemic Waliya Ibex and more Gelada Baboon. It takes 6 - 7 hours walk. Overnight Camping at Chenek.- (3600m)

Day 8: Ambiquo:
We walk to Ambiquo climbing Buhit (14530ft/4430m) Mountain the 2nd highest peak next to Ras Dashen in Semien Mountain ranges, giving excellent views over the whole area.
After, refreshment at the summit, you descend towards Chero Laba crossing the Mesheha River, we will reach to Ambiquo and resting for the night here, before the big day on Ras Dashen. The walk of this day takes 7- 8 hours. Overnight Camping at Ambiquo - (10496ft/3200m).

Day 9: Ras Dashen then Maje
Very early morning start walking toward mount Ras Dashen.You get up in the pre dawn chill for what will be the most challenging day of the Trek. To reach the summit can take up to 6 hrs. You will head up the valley from campsite to the small village of Mizma, from where you will climb steeply up wards, eventually reaching an impressive amphitheatre made up of three major buttresses of expanded rock, one of which is your goal, Ras Dashen. It is then an easy scramble to the summit, Ras Dashen, which is the fourth highest peak in Africa (14901ft/4543m). After taking in the impressive views descend to Maje for an overnight. The whole round trek takes from 8-10 hours. Overnight Camping at Maje - (10496ft/3200m). 

Day 10: Arquazeye
Walk from Ambiquo to Arquazeye through the magnificent landscape. From Ambiko the path leads us back down to the Mesheha River (2800ms). Our destination tonight is Arkwasiye, which is situated at an altitude of 3600 metres, and located at the northern reached of the Mesheha Wenz River. It is another great day to take in some more incredible views of the Simien Mountains: Munt Wali Kend and Mount Silky in a distance view. The whole round trek takes from 6-7 hours. Overnight camping in Arquazeye, 3600 metres.

Day 11: Mekarebia:
Trek from Arquazeye to Mekarebia. We descend for about 2 hours and we cross a river. On this river we stay for about an hours in swiming and washing some clothes and walk to Mekarebia. Overnight Camping

Day 12: Mulit
Trek from Mekarabia to Mulit .On the way to Mullit this day once again we stop for swimming at the river. Afternoon we will ascend for 2 hours before we reach Mullit. Overnight Camping

Day 13: Aderkay meet vehicles and drive to Axum
Trek from Mulit to Aderkay meet vehicles and to drive Axum. We have a two hours walk to Adi Arkai; here we will be picked up by vehicle and drive to Axum Overnight Remehay Hotel

Day 14: Visit of historical and archaeological sites in Axum
The ancient city of Axum is found close to Ethiopia\'s northern border. It marks the location of the heart of ancient Ethiopia, when the Kingdom of Axum was the most powerful state between the Eastern Roman Empire and Persia. The archaeological and historical attractions in Axum include: the archaeological museum, monolithic steles or obelisks, the tombs of King Kaleb and King Gebre Meskal, and the legendary Bath of the Queen of Sheba, and the ruins of ancient palace of Queen Sheba. You also visit the new and the old Cathedral of St Mary of Zion and the sanctuary that houses the original Arc of the covenant. The 16th Century Cathedral of St Mary of Zion was probably built on an earlier 4th century church, and is the holiest church in Ethiopia. In its sanctuary is said to rest the original Ark of the Covenant. Overnight Remhay Hotel

Day 15: Fly Lalibela
We take a short flight to Lalibela then drive 23kms to the town where all the 11 monolithic Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela are situated. Today we visit the first group of six churches lie in rock cradles one behind the other: Bet Golgotha, Bet Mika\'el, Bet Maryam, Bet Meskel, Bet Danaghel and Bet Medhane Alem. Bet Medhane Alem, the largest one, is built like a Greek Temple and its stone floor is so polished by the countless numbers of visitors that it reflects shafts of light from apertures in the walls high above. In a corner are three empty graves symbolically dug for biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Overnight Roha or Jerusalem hotel

Day 16: In Lalibela
After breakfast a mule ride to the 13thc rock hewn monastery of Asheten Mariam. The church is situated on the top a mountain at an altitude of 3150 metres. This will take about 4 hours. We return back to the town for lunch. In the afternoon, visit of the other groups of Rock churches of Lalibela Bet Giyorgis, possibly the most elegant of all the Lalibela churches, lies somewhat isolated in the southwest part of the village on a sloping rock terrace. It can only be reached through a tunnel. The group of four, south of the Jordan River, comprise of Bet Emanuel, Bet Mercurios, Bet Abba Libanos and Bet Gabriel-Rufa\'el. Bet Emanuel\'s elaborate exterior is much praised by art historians. Overnight Roha or Jerusalem hotel

Day 17: Fly to Addis Ababa and in the evening Departure:
After breakfast fly from Lalibela to Addis Ababa. Evening a fare well dinner party in one of the traditional Ethiopian restaurant with dances from different ethnic groups. Then transfer to The Airport for your flight back home.

Price displayed is per person based on 3 person travelling

Price includes:
- Meet and greet at airport 
- All accommodation based on twin room occupancy 
- Meals in Addis, on bed & breakfast basis 
- Meals out of Addis, on full board basis including local non-alcoholic beverage 
- All entrance fees at sites, churches, parks and villages.
- All transfers and visits in Addis Ababa using mini-bus according to the itinerary. 
- All Ground transportation including insurance, fuel and all costs of the driver. 
- Professional English speaking Tour Guide accompanying through out the trip.
- Local Guide and scout fees in parks and villages
- Boat trip on Lake Tana to visit two monasteries and churches on the islands of Lake Tana
- Camping gears; tents, mattresses, sleeping bags and cooking utensils for camping.
- All mule and muleteer expenses
- A mule ride out of Lalibela to visit Asheten Monastery.
- Farewell dinner in Addis to enjoy traditional Ethiopian food & Music; transfer & guide 
- A traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony at a convenient time in the program  
- Government taxes 

Price doesn’t include
- International flights
- Domestic Flights
- Lunch and Dinner in Addis Ababa
- Alcoholic drinks
- Video filming and photography fees 
- Incidental meals, snacks and drinks 
- Tips and items of personal nature  like laundry, souvenirs, etc
- All what is not included in the list above  

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